Sunday 6 March 2011

Handmade Monday Week 6

Welcome once again to Handmade Monday organised by Wendy of 1stUniqueGifts.
This seems to be turning into a very popular weekly blog, which is great. Last week there were 25 participants, all with lovely stories to tell of their week of craft. It's lovely to read about what everyone else is up to.
So for me it was a chance to finish my bags and as i reported in an earlier post this week i am very proud of what i have achieved.
And here is the finished result!
Pretty in Pink.

Glorious green.

And accessories to match!!
Mobile phone cases and pen cases.

Looking forward to hearing your comments on the bags as next weekend is my first craft fair of the year and these bags will be making an appearance.
Also making an appearance will be fabric flower brooches.

And just to finish off, a photo of my red heart wreath that i listed on folksy yesterday as part of The March Hares challenge, listing an item a day.
No sales so far but still hoping. If you are interested in my wreath or any other products you can find me on Folksy under CottonsAndDreams.

Thanks so much for stopping by and if you want to see more of Handmade Monday bloggers, pop over to Wendys Blog.
Until Next Time.


  1. You achieve so much in a week and put me to shame, not sure what I am doing or not as the case may be, love the colours

  2. The pink bag is stunning. I love the way you have made matching items. Good luck at the craft fair x

  3. The bags look fab and the pen cases are such a good idea!

  4. Wow, all that in one week? Sheesh, I gotta get me a lottery win! I love the way you make your flowers. Think they are really effective. And that heart wreath is real impressive. So much detail in that one design.

  5. Love the green one but they both gorgeous and made me say wow outloud :o)

    {Dab and a dash.}

  6. Those are amazing! The little flowers are to die for. I can see them as little hair things for little girls (I had 3 boys, I always drool over little girl things). Very very excellent (and I agree, you get so much done, wow!). Good luck at the craft fair. :)

  7. Love the bags Lisa! Really nicely done! My fav fabric is the green :) Great to have the matchin accesories too! Good luck with the fair. Don't forget to report back!!

  8. Wow! They are amazing! I love the designs and love the fabrics you've used.

    Thanks for taking part in Handmade Monday x

  9. It's all so pretty and looks beautifully made. I like the Teddies in your Folksy shop too.

  10. Do you never rest? I could never manage that amount of items in a week. Your flowers are amazing. Good luck with the fair (not that I think you'll need it)

  11. Thank you so much everyone, the comments are lovely. Will report back next week about the craft fair. x
